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Monday, September 06, 2004

Insights After the GOP Convention

1. Bill Clinton got heart pains right after the GOP convention and when Kerry went to 41 to 52% against Bush. Coincidence? My contacts in the heart of the campaign think not!

2. the Bush daughters were shallow and giggly. Mistake? My contacts in the Bush machine say "noooot"! They did focus grousp. Amy Carter and Chelsey Clinton (Rhodes Scholar) came up "puke" as one operative told me. The Bush "girls' are middle America - silent majority. Another stealth move.

3. Zell Miller the Democrat Darth Vader at the GOP convention. Focus grousp, focus groups, focus groups.!! My sources tell me that they tested Zell The Avenger against Edwards the Breck Girl and they found that Big Smile and Optimistic about the future got NUKED against people's sense that we are under scrutiny (and threat) by Middle Eastern killers. Dark and Marine wins against smiley and Trial lawyer. This is all just "selling toothpaste". Don't take it personally! (One informant told sommented "Steffen, when the killers are coming for you and your family do you want former marine Zell with a three day stublle, a Swisher sweet cigar in his mouth and a "death grip" on the killer's throat or a trial lawyer who cna do a killer closing argument! ?

I'm convinced! This is a political war not a campaign!



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