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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Hurricanes and Russian Terror

CNN in Spanish asked me last night (Sept 7, 2004) if the hurricanes in Florida and federal assistance would help Bush get reelected. Well, the media frenzy over the storms and the photo ops for the president "caring" and "distributing" 2 billion dollars of aid certainly give him viz.

On this issue I think Kerry should have launched a national charity fund raiser or given some of his own money and flown down to hard hit trailer parks and shelters and distribute food and clothing. He could also join Jimmy Carter and spend a week end building a Habitat for Humanity home for some elderly homeless couple in West Alligator. He just doesn't have a feel for connecting, does he!?

More generally I told my 27 million Latin American viewers (yes, that's the CNN in Spanish/Latin american market share!) that right after New York and the GOP "Red Meat Fest", as we are calling it, Kerry got slammed by:

1. Hurricane Frances
2. Bill Clinton's heart surgery
3. The Horrible Russian massacre of school children

All three of these sucked the media and blog oxygen out of the air. Kerry's speeches/ campaigning got almost no news at all. Bad Feng Shue? I think so! Somebody send Kerry a lucky rabbit foot!

Incidentally, how good did this look - Kerry calls Clinton for one hour of advice on how to turn the campaign around just before Clinton's surgery and borrows some of Bill's politicos - I guess "Help is on the Way!" - the slogan of the Democratic convention in Boston!

I don't think that's what they were talking about!



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